Goal Bagh, Opp. Railway Station, Amritsar
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Kartarpur Sahib

Kartarpur Sahib

Kartarpur Sahib


Breakfast at Hotel, Local Market, Drop at Amritsar Airport/ Railway Station.

Gurdwara Darbar Sahib Kartarpur, also called Kartarpur Sahib, is a gurdwara in Kartarpur, located in Shakargarh, Narowal District, in the Punjab province of Pakistan. It is built on the historic site where the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, settled and assembled the Sikh community after his missionary travels (udasis to Haridwar, Mecca-Medina, Lanka, Baghdad, Kashmir, Nepal) and lived for 18 years until his death in 1539.

The gurdwara is also notable for its location near the border between Pakistan and India. The shrine is visible from the Indian side of the border. Indian Sikhs gather in large numbers on bluffs to perform darshan, or sacred viewing of the site, from the Indian side of the border. The Kartarpur Corridor was opened by Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on 9 November 2019, the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. This historic moment officially allowed Indian Sikh pilgrims rare visa-free access to the site in Pakistan. It is also claimed to be the largest gurdwara in the world.


Provided link for registration is regulated by Government of India (SOLELY).

Devote can fill up the required details requested by the government and follow the steps to complete registration.

After registration devotes will receive a registration/reference number with which he/she can check the status of their submitted application.

Applicant will receive their confirmation via SMS/MAIL 4 days prior to there travel date.

Passport is mandatory for temporary visa, Your passport will not be stamped by Pakistan during immigration, it for verification/documentation purpose only.

Temporary immigration and shuttle Fees will be charged by Pakistan Government during visa procedure.

Please refer other Terms & Condition registration website.

Kissan Travels is not responsible for any type of problem arises during/after registration.

Kissan Travels doesn't have any type of links/ relationship/ or anything to do the Registration site, Above link is used to promote Kartarpur Sahib Corridor.

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